안녕하세요. 프랑스 친구 부탁으로 대신 올립니다.
We are looking for an enthusias)c K-beauty staff member to support our exclusive 10-day pop-up Concept store located in the heart of Paris! The Core Team consists of the founders Pieke Hendriks, (Private Equity
investor and CEO of KBeauté), Myriam Kroll – Korean name 성 경주 - (former McKinsey Partner) and Jiyeon (former event manager and promotor of Incheon).
The objecPve of the concept store is to introduce and promote new, sustainable K-beauty brands by small and mid-sized Korean cosmePcs producers (some supported by the Ministry of Start-ups, Korea). The sales porTolio also includes well-known brands.
Core informa)on
• Store name: KBeauté
• LocaPon: 27 Passage Choiseul, 75002 Paris
• Store operaPons: June 5 – 15 from 11h – 19h (from Monday – Saturday, Sundays closed)
• CosmePcs competence: Learning about the cosmePc products and providing advice to customers, and accompanying them in their skin care journey
• Store operaPons support including but not limited to decoraPon, (light) cleaning (dusPng of shelves, vacuuming, cleaning of shelves etc.), distribuPon of promoPonal material, entertaining customers during events and also some physical work such as li[ing packages of goods (if required)
• Other miscellaneous tasks conform with the French law
What we are looking for
• Young, enthusiasPc K-beauty lovers (male and female) knowledgable about current K-beauty products
• Naturally at ease with people and likes to engage with customers with a smile as well as potenPal
Korean senior visitors
• Willing to learn about new brands and promote the brands and KBeauté
• Language skills: English and/or French conversaPonal ability (Must), Korean (ideally in addiPon)
Working Hours
• Flexibility is expected in terms of working schedule within reasonable boundaries. KBeauté will respect other obligaPons e.g., university lectures and make an effort to accommodate the staff’s circumstances
• Actual working hours will be mutually agreed on
• Age minimum 18+
• Available from June 5 – June 15th with full-day availability as of 11h or 12h
• OpPonal and to be discussed: Availability on Sunday, June 16th. Please communicate your availability
to KBeauté in advance
• Market compePPve - based on age, experience, responsibiliPes, actual working hours and other mutual agreements
• Other opPons e.g., an internship (stage) could be explored within reason and in accordance with the French law
KBeaute Cosme,cs | 115 Rue Saint-Dominique | 75007 Paris | France
Email :
info@kbeaute.fr | Site Web :
SIREN : 985295054 | SIRET (siège) : 98529505400011 | Forme juridique : SASU, société par ac,ons simplifiée unipersonnelle Numéro de TVA : FR03985295054 | Inscrip,on au RNE : INSCRIT
Candidates can submit their CV with picture to myriam.
kroll@gmail.com and
It is not necessary to submit a "full" CV if the candidate does not have one.